09-04-16 From The Palace To The Pasture - Part 2 Dr. Jody Jenkins -
09-04-16 From The Palace To The Pasture - Part 1 Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-31-16 These Things Affirm Constantly - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-28-16 Put That On My Account - Bro. Airic Briggs -
A Friend Of Mine - Bro. Noel Pender -
08-28-16 The Righteous Judgement Of God - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-24-16 Why Obey God ? - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-21-16 Put Them In Mind - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-21-16 Servants Of The Most High God - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-16-16 Attitude Towards Christ's Second Coming - Dr. Bobby Roberson -
08-15-16 Christ Should Be First - Dr. Bobby Roberson -
08-14-16 The Clark Family - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-14-16 Jesus Christ - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-10-16 Living In Babylon - Part 3 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-07-16 Teen Mission Trip 2016 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-07-16 The Grace Of God - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
08-03-16 The 11th Hour - Pastor Garvin Walls -
07-31-16 Sound Doctrine - Part 4 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-31-16 Bitter Waters - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-27-16 How To Wait On God - Bro. Butch Abbett -
07-24-16 Four Things You Need To Do When Trouble Comes - Dr. Gary Seaman -
07-24-16 The Blessed Dead - Dr. Gary Seaman -
07-20-16 Sound Doctrine - Part 3 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-17-16 Sound Doctrine - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-17-16 The Book Of GOD - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-13-16 Looking In - Living Out - Bro. Daniel Wakefield -
07-10-16 Fiji Mission Report - Dr. Gary Seaman -
07-10-16 Sound Doctrine - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-06-16 Elders - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
07-03-16 An Attitude Of Gratitude - Dr. Tom Farrell -
07-03-16 The Dream - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-29-16 Have You Met Jesus ? - Bro. Nathan Foran -
06-26-16 Who Comes Before What - Bro. Doug Sisson -
06-19-16 When Your Life Is Threatened - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-19-16 Spiritual Condition Of The World - Bro. Jason Holt -
06-19-16 His Father Zacharias - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-15-16 The Two Natures - Dr. Gene Lasley -
06-12-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 7 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-12-16 Living In Babylon - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-08-16 A Portrait Of A Servant - Bro. Daniel Wakefield -
06-05-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 6 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-05-16 Living In Babylon - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
06-01-16 Elders - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-29-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 5 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-29-16 Paul's Salutation - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-25-15 Cadets For Christ Program - Bro. John Manetta -
05-22-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 4 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-22-16 The Stronghold Of Social Media - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-18-16 It Is The Lord - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-15-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 3 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-15-16 It Is The Lord - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-11-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-08-16 Local Church Leadership - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-08-16 His Mother (Elisabeth) - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-04-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 7 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-01-16 The Stronghold Of Alcohol - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
05-01-16 The Stronghold Of Alcohol - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
04-27-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 6 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
04-24-16 My God Shall Supply All Your Need - Dr. Jimmy Rose -
04-24-16 How The Wisemen Gave Unto Jesus - Dr. Jimmy Rose -
04-22-16 Declare His Glory - Dr. Paul Pritchard -
She Has Done What She Could - Phillip Pritchard -
04-21-16 What Type Of People Does God Want Us To Be ? - Dr. P. D. Cherian -
04-20-16 Why Bother With Missions ? - Rev. Christian Guzman -
04-17-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 5 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
04-17-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 4 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
04-13-16 How We Can Support God's Man - Bro. Daniel Wakefield -
04-10-16 From Bitterness To Blessing - Dr. Gary Seaman -
04-10-16 GOD Hath Visited His People - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
04-06-16 Comparison Between Good And Evil Things - Rev. Bob Mann -
04-03-16 How To Have A Happy Christian Family - Part 2 - Evg. Dave Young -
04-03-16 How To Have A Happy Christian Family - Part 1 - Evg. Dave Young -
03-30-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 3 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-27-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-27-16 The Judgement Seat Of Christ - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-23-16 The Lord's Prayer - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-20-16 The Lord's Supper - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-20-16 Sermon On The Lord's Supper - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-16-16 The Commands - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-13-16 The Work Of The Tabernacle - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-13-16 Be Of Good Cheer - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-09-16 These Things That Ye Be Not Offended - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-06-16 These Things That Ye Be Not Offended - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
03-06-16 Powerful Prayer - Dr. Alton Beal -
03-02-16 Prayer - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-28-16 The Work Of The Sanctuary - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-28-16 The Lord's Offering - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-21-16 The World - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-21-16 These Things Have I Spoken Unto You - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-17-16 Strangers And Pilgrims On The Earth - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-14-16 These Things Have I Spoken Unto You - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-10-16 Prayer Of The Church - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-07-16 The Branches - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-07-16 The Branches - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
02-03-16 The Lord Jesus - Part 3 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-31-16 Strangers And Pilgrims On The Earth - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-27-16 Humility - Bro. Butch Abbett -
01-24-16 My Best Or Nothing - Bro. Daniel Wakefield -
01-17-16 Burdens - Dr. Gary Seaman -
01-17-16 The Lord Jesus - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-13-16 The Lord GOD - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-10-16 Vision Night 2016 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-10-16 The Lord Jesus - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-06-16 A Jealous God - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-03-16 Believe Me - Dr. Jody Jenkins -
01-03-16 The Stronghold Of Burdens - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins -