12-28-11 For His Names Sake - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-28-11 For His Names Sake - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-25-11 The Unspeakable Gift - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-25-11 The Unspeakable Gift - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-21-11 A Summary Statement - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-21-11 A Summary Statement - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-18-11 The Lord's Supper - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-18-11 The Lord's Supper - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-18-11 Encouragement To Pray - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-18-11 Encouragement To Pray - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-11-11 2011 Christmas Cantata - "The Promised One" - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-11-11 Judge Not - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-11-11 Judge Not - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-10-11 2011 Christmas Cantata - "The Promised One" - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-07-11 Where Is Your Heart ? - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-07-11 Where Is Your Heart ? - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-04-11 Take Heed - Part 2 - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-04-11 Take Heed - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
12-04-11 Doest Thou Well ? - Dr. Jody Jenkins
12-04-11 Doest Thou Well ? - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-30-11 Take Heed - Dr. Jody Jenkins
11-30-11 Take Heed - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-27-11 Are We Willing To Eat Crumbs ? - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-27-11 God's Mercy - Dr. Jody Jenkins
11-27-11 God's Mercy - Hidg Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-20-11 A Traveller's Psalm - Rev. Gary Seaman
11-20-11 A Traveller's Psalm - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-20-11 Reasons I Have To Be Thankful - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-16-11 Ye Shall Be Witnesses - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-15-11 God's Will And The Work Of Believers - High Quailty (may have to be downloaded)
11-15-11 Things Which Happened To Me - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-14-11 Thou Shalt Love The Lord Thy God - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-14-11 Lovest Thou Me ? - Rev. Tommy Odom
11-14-11 Lovest Thou Me ? - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-13-11 In The Time Of Trouble - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-13-11 I Declare Unto You The Gospel - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-09-11 But I Say Unto You - Part 3 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-06-11 Then Jonah Prayed - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-06-11 Then Jonah Prayed - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
11-02-11 But I Say Unto You - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-30-11 Jonah The Son Of Amittai - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-30-11 Jonah The Son Of Amittai - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-26-11 But I Say Unto You - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-25-11 Nutrition Tips For Cancer Patients - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-23-11 The Bondage Of Bitterness - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-23-11 The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-19-11 The Beatitudes - Part 4 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-16-11 The Beatitudes - Part 3 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-16-11 The Valley Of Achor (Secret Sin) - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-12-11 Ezekiel 38 - Bro. Edgar Feghaly
10-12-11 Ezekiel 38 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-09-11 The Beatitudes - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-09-11 Ruth The Moabitess - Dr. Jody Jenkins
10-09-11 Ruth The Moabitess - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-05-11 The Beatitudes - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-02-11 Jesus's Ministry - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
10-02-11 Jesus's Ministry - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-28-11 pm- What Is Truth? - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-25-11 pm- The Tempter - Dr. Jody Jenkins
09-25-11 pm- The Tempter - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-25-11 am- The Valley Of Elah - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-21-11 pm- Growing In Grace - Dr. Jody Jenkins
09-21-11 pm- Growing In Grace - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-18-11 pm- Seeking Rest - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-18-11 am- Seeking Rest - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-14-11 pm- The Baptism Of Jesus - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-11-11 pm- The Will Of God For Our Lives - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-11-11 am- Freewill Sacrifice And Grace Giving - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-09-11 pm- Nothing Is Impossible With God - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-08-11 pm- The Church Of The Thessalonians - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-07-11 pm- What Will We Do With What He Has Done - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-04-11 pm- It Is Good - Dr. Jody Jenkins
09-04-11 pm- It Is Good - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
09-04-11 am- John The Baptist - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-31-11 pm- Israel Will Sign A Peace Treaty - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-28-11 pm- John The Baptist - Part 1 - Dr. Jody Jenkins
08-28-11 pm- John The Baptist - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-28-11 am- The Valley Of Eschol - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-24-11 pm- The Valley Of Eschol - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-21-11 pm- The Man's Name Is Boaz - Part 2 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-21-11 am- The Man's Name Is Boaz - Part 1 -  High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-17-11 pm- When They Were Departed - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-14-11 pm- Wise Men - Dr. Jody Jenkins
08-14-11 pm- Wise Men - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-14-11 am- When Tragedy Strikes - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-10-11 pm- The Birth Of Jesus Christ - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-07-11 pm- The Valley Of Gerar - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
08-07-11 am- In The Days When The Judges Ruled - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
07-31-11 pm- For He Careth For You - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
07-31-11 am- Vacation Bible School Service - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
07-13-11 pm- The Book Of The Generation Of Jesus Christ - Part 1 - High Quality (may have to be downloaded)
07-06-11 pm- Mount Olivet - Dr. Jody Jenkins
07-03-11 am- A Good Day - Dr. Jody Jenkins
06-26-11 pm- David's Great Sin - Rev. Gary Seaman
06-26-11 am- The New Birth - Dr. Gene Lasley
06-19-11 am- A Father Of Faith - Dr. Jody Jenkins
06-15-11 pm- Esther's Banquet - Dr. Jody Jenkins
06-05-11 am- On That Night - Dr. Jody Jenkins
05/29/11 am- I Found The Book - Dr. Jody Jenkins
05/01/11 pm- Caleb's Mountain - Dr. Jody Jenkins
04/27/11 pm- I Charge Thee - Dr. Jody Jenkins
04/24/11 pm- Communion Service - Dr. Jody Jenkins
04/24/11 am- Our Justification - Dr. Jody Jenkins
04/17/11 pm- True Holiness - Dr. P. D. Cherian
04/17/11 am- Making Disciples - Bro. Graham Foran
04/10/11 pm- Revival In Review - Dr. Jody Jenkins
03/02/11 pm- Having A Vision - Dr. Kenneth Love
02/27/11 am- On Death Row - Dr. Jody Jenkins
02/20/11 am- Teen Sunday - Rev. Scott Pauley
02/19/11 pm- Truth Teen Rally - Rev. Scott Pauley
01/30/11 am- Mount Nebo - Dr. Jody Jenkins
01/23/11 am- Mount Hor - Dr. Jody Jenkins
01/16/11 pm- Pastor's Vision - Dr. Jody Jenkins
*** Smashing Satan's Strongholds Series ***
For The Ladies .....
*** The Last Days Series ***